CLI Reference

This section describes the usage of Noronha’s command line interface. Each topic in this section refers to a different API subject such as projects, models and so on.


The entrypoint for Noronha’s CLI is either the keyword noronha, for being explicit, or the alias nha, for shortness and cuteness. You can always check which commands are available with the help option:

nha --help  # overview of all CLI subjects
nha proj --help  # describe commands under the subject *proj*
nha proj new --help  # details about the command *new* under the subject *proj*

Note that the Conda environment in which you installed Noronha needs to be activated so that this entrypoint is accessible. Besides, we assume these commands are executed from the host machine.

The entrypoint also accepts the following flags and options for customizing a command’s output:

-l, --log-level TEXT  Level of log verbosity (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR)
-d, --debug           Set log level to DEBUG
-p, --pretty          Less compact, more readable output
-s, --skip-questions  Skip questions
-b, --background      Run in background, only log to files

Usage example for skipping questions in background and keeping only pretty warning messages in the log files:

nha --background --skip-questions --log-level WARN --pretty proj list
nha -b -s -l WARN -p proj list  # same command, shorter version with aliases

The default directory for log files is ~/.nha/logs. For further log configuration options see the log configuration section.

There’s also a special command for newbies, that’s accesible directly from the entrypoint:

nha get-me-started

As stated in the introduction, this is going to configure the basic plugins in native mode automatically. This means that after running this command your container manager is going to be running a MongoDB service for storing Noronha’s metadata and an Artifactory service for managing Noronha’s files. This is useful if you are just experimenting with the framework and do not want to spend time customizing anything yet.


Reference for commands under the subject proj.

  • info: information about a project

--proj, --name    Name of the project (default: current working project)
  • list: list hosted projects

-f, --filter    Query in MongoDB's JSON syntax
-e, --expand    Flag: expand each record's fields
-m, --model     Only projects that use this model will be listed
  • rm: remove a project and everything related to it

--proj, --name    Name of the project (default: current working project)
  • new: host a new project in the framework

-n, --name       Name of the project
-d, --desc       Free text description
-m, --model      Name of an existing model (further info: nha model --help)
--home-dir       Local directory where the project is hosted.
                 Example: /path/to/proj
--git-repo       The project's remote Git repository.
                 Example: https://<git_server>/<proj_repo>
--docker-repo    The project's remote Docker repository.
                 Example: <docker_registry>/<proj_image>
  • update: update a projects in the database

-n, --name       Name of the project you want to update (default: current working project)
-d, --desc       Free text description
-m, --model      Name of an existing model (further info: nha model --help)
--home-dir       Local directory where the project is hosted.
                 Example: /path/to/proj
--git-repo       The project's remote Git repository.
                 Example: https://<git_server>/<proj_repo>
--docker-repo    The project's remote Docker repository.
                 Example: <docker_registry>/<proj_image>
  • build: encapsulate the project in a new Docker image

--proj         Name of the project (default: current working project)
-t, --tag      Docker tag for the image (default: latest)
--no-cache     Flag: slower build, but useful when the cached layers contain outdated information
--from-here    Flag: build from current working directory (default option)
--from-home    Flag: build from project's home directory
--from-git     Flag: build from project's Git repository (master branch)
--pre-built    Flag: don't build, just pull and tag a pre-built image from project's Docker repository

Build Version

Reference for commands under the subject bvers.

  • info: information about a build version

--proj    The project to which this build version belongs (default: current working project)
--tag     The build version's docker tag (default: latest)
  • list: list build versions

--proj          The project whose versions you want to list (default: current working project)
-f, --filter    Query in MongoDB's JSON syntax
-e, --expand    Flag: expand each record's fields
  • rm: remove a build version

--proj    The project in which this version belongs (default: current working project)
--tag     The version's docker tag (default: latest)


Reference for commands under the subject model.

  • info: information about a model

--name    Name of the model
  • list: list model records

-f, --filter    Query in MongoDB's JSON syntax
-e, --expand    Flag: expand each record's fields
  • rm: remove a model along with all of it’s versions and datasets

-n, --name    Name of the model
  • new: record a new model in the database

-n, --name      Name of the model
-d, --desc      Free text description
--model-file    JSON describing a file that is used for saving/loading this model.
                {"name": "categories.pkl", "desc": "Pickle with DataFrame for looking up prediction labels", "required": true, "max_mb": 64}
--data-file     JSON describing a file that is used for training this model.
                {"name": "intents.csv", "desc": "CSV file with examples for each user intent", "required": true, "max_mb": 128}
  • update: update a model record

-n, --name          Name of the model you want to update
-d, --desc          Free text description
--model-file        JSON describing a file that is used for saving/loading this model.
                    {"name": "categories.pkl", "desc": "Pickle with DataFrame for looking up prediction labels", "required": true, "max_mb": 64}
--data-file         JSON describing a file that is used for training this model.
                    {"name": "intents.csv", "desc": "CSV file with examples for each user intent", "required": true, "max_mb": 128}
--no-model-files    Flag: disable the tracking of model files
--no-ds-files       Flag: disable the tracking of dataset files


Reference for commands under the subject ds.

  • info: information about a dataset

--model    Name of the model to which this dataset belongs
--name     Name of the dataset
  • list: list datasets

-f, --filter    Query in MongoDB's JSON syntax
-e, --expand    Flag: expand each record's fields
--model         Only datasets that belong to this model will be listed
  • rm: remove a dataset and all of its files

--model    Name of the model to which this dataset belongs
--name     Name of the dataset
  • new: add a new dataset

-n, --name      Name of the dataset (defaults to a random name)
-m, --model     The model to which this dataset belongs (further info: nha model --help)
-d, --details   JSON with any details related to the dataset
-p, --path      Path to the directory that contains the dataset files (default: current working directory)
-c, --compress  Flag: compress all dataset files to a single tar.gz archive
--skip-upload   Flag: don't upload any files, just record metadata
--lightweight   Flag: use lightweight storage
  • update: update a dataset’s details or files

-n, --name       Name of the dataset you want to update
-m, --model      The model to which this dataset belongs (further info: nha model --help)
-d, --details    JSON with details related to the dataset
-p, --path       Path to the directory that contains the dataset files (default: current working directory)


Reference for commands under the subject train.

  • info: information about a training execution

--name    Name of the training
--proj    Name of the project responsible for this training (default: current working project)
  • list: list training executions

-f, --filter    Query in MongoDB's JSON syntax
-e, --expand    Flag: expand each record's fields
--proj          Name of the project responsible for the trainings (default: current working project)
  • rm: remove a training’s metadata

--name    Name of the training
--proj    Name of the project responsible for this training (default: current working project)
  • new: execute a new training

--name                Name of the training (defaults to a random name)
--proj                Name of the project responsible for this training (default: current working project)
--notebook, --nb      Relative path, inside the project's directory
                      structure, to the notebook that will be executed
-p, --params          JSON with parameters to be injected in the notebook
-t, --tag             The training runs on top of a Docker image that
                      belongs to the project. You may specify the image's
                      Docker tag or let it default to "latest"
-e, --env-var         Environment variable in the form KEY=VALUE
-m, --mount           A host path or docker volume to mount on the training container.
                      Syntax: <host_path_or_volume_name>:<container_path>:<rw/ro>
                      Example: /home/user/data:/data:rw
--dataset, --ds       Reference to a dataset to be mounted on the training container.
                      Syntax: <model_name>:<dataset_name>
                      Example: iris-clf:iris-data-v0
--pretrained          Reference to a model version that will be used as a pre-trained model during this training.
                      Syntax: <model_name>:<version_name>
                      Example: word2vec:en-us-v1
--resource-profile    Name of a resource profile to be applied for each container.
                      This profile should be configured in your nha.yaml file

Model Version

Reference for commands under the subject movers.

  • info: information about a model version

--model    Name of the model to which this version belongs
--name     Name of the version
  • list: list model versions

-f, --filter    Query in MongoDB's JSON syntax
-e, --expand    Flag: expand each record's fields
--model         Only versions of this model will be listed
--dataset       Only versions trained with this dataset will be listed
--train         Only model versions produced by this training will be listed
--proj          To be used along with 'train': name of the project to which this training belongs
  • rm: remove a model version and all of its files

--model    Name of the model to which this version belongs
--name     Name of the version
  • new: record a new model version in the framework

-n, --name       Name of the version (defaults to a random name)
-m, --model      The model to which this version belongs (further info: nha model --help)
-d, --details    JSON with details related to the model version
-p, --path       Path to the directory that contains the model files (default: current working directory)
--dataset        Name of the dataset that trained this model version
--train          Name of the training that produced this model version
--proj           To be used along with 'train': name of the project to
                 which this training belongs
--pretrained     Reference to another model version that was used as a pre-trained asset for training this one.
                 Syntax: <model_name>:<model_version>
                 Example: word2vec:en-us-v1
-c, --compress   Flag: compress all model files to a single tar.gz archive
--skip-upload    Flag: don't upload any files, just record metadata
--lightweight    Flag: use lightweight storage
  • update: update a model version’s details or files

-n, --name       Name of the model version you want to update
-m, --model      The model to which this version belongs (further info: nha model --help)
-d, --details    JSON with details related to the version
-p, --path       Path to the directory that contains the model files (default: current working directory)
--dataset        Name of the dataset that trained this model version
--train          Name of the training that produced this model version
--proj           To be used along with 'train': name of the project to which this training belongs


Reference for commands under the subject depl.

  • info: information about a deployment

--name    Name of the deployment
--proj    Name of the project responsible for this deployment (default: current working project)
  • list: list deployments

-f, --filter    Query in MongoDB's JSON syntax
-e, --expand    Flag: expand each record's fields
--proj          Name of the project responsible for this deployment (default: current working project)
  • rm: remove a deployment

--name    Name of the deployment
--proj    Name of the project responsible for this deployment (default: current working project)
  • new: setup a deployment

--name                Name of the deployment (defaults to a random name)
--proj                Name of the project responsible for this deployment (default: current working project)
--notebook, --nb      Relative path, inside the project's directory
                      structure, to the notebook that will be executed
--params              JSON with parameters to be injected in the notebook
-t, --tag             Each deployment task runs on top of a Docker image
                      that belongs to the project. You may specify the
                      image's Docker tag or let it default to "latest"
-n, --n-tasks         Number of tasks (containers) for deployment
                      replication (default: 1)
--port                Host port to be routed to each container's inference
-e, --env-var         Environment variable in the form KEY=VALUE
-m, --mount           A host path or docker volume to mount on each deployment container.
                      Syntax: <host_path_or_volume_name>:<container_path>:<rw/ro>
                      Example: /home/user/data:/data:rw
--movers, --mv        Reference to a model version to be mounted on each deployment container.
                      Syntax: <model_name>:<version_name>
                      Example: iris-clf:experiment-v1
--resource-profile    Name of a resource profile to be applied for each container.
                      This profile should be configured in your nha.yaml file

Notebook (IDE)

You can start-up a Jupyter notebook interface for your project in order to edit and test your code inside a disposable environment that is much like the environment your code is going to find in production.

  • note: Access to an interactive notebook (IDE)

--proj TEXT           Name of the project you'd like to work with.
-t, --tag             The IDE runs on top of a Docker image that belongs to the current working project.
                      You may specify the image's Docker tag or let it default to "latest"
-p, --port            Host port that will be routed to the notebook's user interface (default: 30088)
-e, --env-var         Environment variable in the form KEY=VALUE
-m, --mount           A host path or docker volume to mount on the IDE's container.
                      Syntax: <host_path_or_volume_name>:<container_path>:<rw/ro>
                      Example: /home/user/data:/data:rw
--edit                Flag: also mount current directory into the container's /app directory.
                      This is useful if you want to edit code, test it and save it in the local machine
                      (WARN: in Kubernetes mode this will only work if the current directory is part of your NFS server)
--dataset, --ds       Reference to a dataset to be mounted on the IDE's container.
                      Syntax: <model_name>:<dataset_name>
                      Example: iris-clf:iris-data-v0
--movers, --mv        Reference to a model version to be mounted on the IDE's container.
                      Syntax: <model_name>:<version_name>
                      Example: word2vec:en-us-v1:true
--resource-profile    Name of a resource profile to be applied for each container.
                      This profile should be configured in your nha.yaml file

Islands (Plugins)

Under the subject isle there is a branch of commands for each plugin. You can check a plugin’s commands with the help option:

nha isle plugin --help  # overview of this plugin's commands
nha isle plugin command --help  # details about one of this plugin's commands

The available plugins are:

artif   File manager
mongo   Database for metadata
nexus   File manager (alternative)
router  (Optional) Routes requests to deployments

The commands bellow are available for all plugins, unless stated otherwise:

  • setup: start and configure this plugin

-s, --skip-build    Flag: assume that the required Docker image for setting up
                    this plugin already exists.

Treasure Chest

Reference for commands under the subject tchest, which are meant to manage Treasure Chests.

  • info: information about a Treasure Chest

--name    Name of the Treasure Chest
  • list: list Treasure Chest records

-f, --filter    Query in MongoDB's JSON syntax
-e, --expand    Flag: expand each record's fields
  • rm: remove a Treasure Chest

-n, --name    Name of the Treasure Chest
  • new: record a new Treasure Chest in the database

-n, --name      Name of the Treasure Chest
--desc          Free text description
--details       JSON with any details related to the Treasure Chest
-u, --user      Username to be recorded
-p, --pswd      Password to be recorded
  • update: update a Treasure Chest

-n, --name      Name of the Treasure Chest you want to update
--desc          Free text description
--details       JSON with any details related to the Treasure Chest
-u, --user      Username to be recorded
-p, --pswd      Password to be recorded